A well written resume is a foot in the door and a chance for you to prove you are serious about pursuing your dream job.
What you mention on your resume is very crucial to the shortlisting process. Make sure you provide enough information so the reader can make an informed decision, as providing too much or too little could disqualify you.
Also, use a simple design that allows for easy reading and has plenty of white space, so the recruiter will not be tempted to give your resume a miss due to clutter.
So what goes on a winning resume?
Personal information - essential being name, phone number and email but also nice is adding your LinkedIn profile link.
Career objective - focus on particular skills and experiences that are directly related to the job, and state short or long term goals that can be pursued within the company.
Education/Qualifications - academic certifications attained thus far in chronological order, particularly elaborating on those that are relevant to the position being applied for.
Technical Skills - list skills you have been trained for or have acquired in your professional experience so far, including systems experience.
Professional career experience - in chronological order with the most recent at the top, list the name of your company, designation, tenure, role responsibilities, and key achievements. You could also state your reason for leaving if it works in your favour.
Then comes the most important part - spellcheck!
Nothing diminishes your professional image than bad grammar or incorrect spelling, so do yourself a favour and proofread your resume a few times to ensure it is error free. Get a second opinion too, just to be doubly sure.
Need some help from our end? Click here to download a resume format to get started on your job quest!
Then comes the most important part - spellcheck!
Nothing diminishes your professional image than bad grammar or incorrect spelling, so do yourself a favour and proofread your resume a few times to ensure it is error free. Get a second opinion too, just to be doubly sure.
Need some help from our end? Click here to download a resume format to get started on your job quest!
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T: 02 9689 8900
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